How Safe is it To Drive in Sri Lanka?

As you plan your trip to Sri Lanka and how you travel within the country, an obvious question that’s going to pop up is how safe is it to drive in Sri lanka? While you could always rely on public transport or ride shares, there’s nothing quite like driving around in your own rented vehicle at your own pace, taking all the time and detours you need! Not forgetting the added advantage of feeling safer in the post-COVID era of travel.

The first thing to establish would be that it is indeed very safe to drive in Sri Lanka. You’ll find a good number of reliable car rental companies where you could hire a vehicle with or without a driver. If you do choose to drive, you will need a valid permit but the good news is that reputed car rental companies such as Malkey Rent A Car would be happy to sort this out for you.

Sri Lankan roads are mostly found to be in excellent condition with clearly marked road signs and a number of expressways connecting key towns to the business capital of Colombo. Your GPS tracker or navigation system will work smoothly here and guide you wherever you wish to gol. Speak to your car rental company about hiring Sat Nav units for extra assistance on your travels.

Traffic conditions may vary depending on the route and time of day, especially between Colombo and the main suburbs. You may experience the occasional speeding bus but avoiding the rush hour will mostly keep you away from these oncoming buses. Traffic will ease as you head out of the city and you’ll experience many scenic routes with views of green paddy fields to ocean drives and lush greenery during your stay.

Driving at night in Sri Lanka is perfectly safe with very low crime rates around the country. Roads are well lit and you’ll find that most Sri Lankans are helpful and hospitable should you ever need assistance. Animal crossings areas are usually marked on main roads as are any other common road hazards. We would however recommend that you avoid roads with elephant crossings at night and also in the highlands where late evening fog can impede road visibility.

Sri Lanka is a beautiful experience whatever your chosen mode of transportation may be. But for those wondering about the safety of driving in Sri Lanka, we hope you can rest assured that driving in sri lanka will be a safe and pleasurable adventure.

Thursday February 10, 2022