
The legendary tale begins as you enter the precincts of this historic city, Sigiriya Sri Lanka, where life revolves around a rock, a monumental rock fortress. A UNESCO world heritage site, Sigiriya Sri Lanka is a must see destination during your travels. Sigiriya is believed to have been the royal fortress palace of King Kassapa who sought to escape the wrath of enemies after having overthrown and murdered his own father, King Dhatusena of Anuradhapura. This rock fortress has been completed with the finest irrigation systems, gardens and paintings that have lasted through the ages.

Sigiriya weather is generally warm and dry, with December and January being relatively cooler.

Things To Do

Sigiriya sightseeing primarily involves a trek up to the Sigiriya lion rock fortress, beautifully carved to perfect precision and immaculately designed with an aura of majesty. Other than for climbing the rock, there aren’t that many things to do in Sigiriya.

The many hotels around Sigiriya will offer comfortable accommodation and delicious meals. There are many other restaurants too serving authentic Sri Lankan goodies. The tourist souvenir shops in the area have some lovely little souvenirs to take back with you to remind you of your travel to the legendary lion rock.


Visit Sigiriya and be enthralled by the legendary tale as you climb the rocky citadel, an architectural masterpiece. Amidst the thick jungle, stands large and mysterious, the Sigiriya Rock Fortress… with every inch demonstrating the intelligence and design of the era.

The Royal Gardens around the Sigiriya Rock Fortress consist of terraced gardens, water gardens and boulder gardens. Midway up the rock, a stairway leads to a sheltered gallery displaying the world renowned frescoes, immaculately painted on the face of the rock. The Sigiriya Rock Fortress also features what is known as the mirror wall which is a wall coated with a smooth glaze. The graffiti inscribed between the 6th and 14th centuries demonstrates the development of the Sinhala language and script through the years. Towards the northern end of the rock, the final ascent to the summit commences with a brick stairway that leads between the lion’s paws, hence the name the Lion Rock.

Another one of the main attractions in this city is the Sigiriya Museum, which is an archaeological museum, research facility and information centre combined and featuring the results of almost three decades of research at Sigiriya and the surrounding area.

Sunday November 22, 2020