Post-Covid Travel: Ensure Your Safety When Traveling in A Rented Vehicle

As COVID-19 mutates into newer and more virulent strains that are more transmissible, maintaining strict sanitization practices becomes essential in our day to day. With travel starting up again in the new normal, there are precautions to ensure your safety while traveling in a rented vehicle. The good news is that reputed car rental companies are now introducing new safety guidelines to safeguard you and your loved ones.

In addition to the list of personal precautions of wearing masks, refraining from touching your nose and mouth and washing your hands with soap or a sanitizer, here’s a list of precautions that you should follow when you are travelling in a rented vehicle;

  • Always check for the vehicle sanitization policy and procedures followed by your chosen rental company
  • Be sure to wear a mask covering your nose and mouth at all times and make sure your driver is wearing a mask as well
  • Wear gloves if you are very health-conscious
  • Remember to take disinfectant wipes and sprays with you. Wipe down the door handles, windows, and other frequently touched areas of the vehicle as soon as you enter
  • Keep your hand folded on your lap and touch as little surfaces as possible inside the vehicle
  • Travel with the windows down and air vents open if possible. The improved ventilation helps to keep fresh air circulating and displaces any potentially infectious airborne particles
  • Try to avoid cash payments and make use of online transactions via your mobile phone
  • Be seated in the rear seat, if not driving
  • Wipe down any surfaces you may have touched for the safety of future passengers

As a Level 1 Certified operator Malkey, ensures a trusted journey for all their travelers by adhering to the health guidelines provided by the Government health authorities. They have taken steps to further ensure the safety of their clients by introducing a Sanitizing and Cleaning machine especially designed to eliminate Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses – including COVID-19 from vehicle interiors. Talk to Malkey Rent-A-Car to find out more on how they keep you safe.

All options considered, renting your own vehicle on your trip to Sri Lanka is still the safest option as explained in our post. Just make sure you are choosing the right car rental company to minimize health risks.

Monday June 7, 2021